Why leave your dog at home when he can spend the day playing and socializing with other dogs, burning energy, and experiencing a fun-filled day of play and exercise? Our highly-trained faculty provides constant hands-on attention to your pet all day long. Shag Bark Dog Daycare caregivers are educated in behavior assessment and the dynamics of animal behavior in a pack setting.
As canine behavioral consultants we know that boredom and excess energy are the foremost contributing factors to compulsive and destructive behaviors such as barking, licking, separation anxiety and increased prey drive just to name a few. Interactive play provides the perfect balance of socialization and exercise to keep your dog’s mind and body fit, leading to a happier, healthier, better behaving pet. That’s why our guests enjoy a facility and curriculum designed to keep them active.
We add value to our daycare by not only appealing to your dog’s playful side but also by incorporating an element of education. Our daycare guests are separated into groups based on size and activity level. These groups rotate through different activities and lessons throughout the day. The activities are high-energy play periods meant to expend energy while developing social skills. The lessons are fun based learning activities designed to appeal to the canine instinct of enjoying having a job and being rewarded for doing it well.
For the safety and comfort of all of our canine guests, we require that our dog daycare attendees are first evaluated for health and temperament. We will make sure your furry loved one is placed in the environment most appropriate for him where he will thoroughly enjoy his stay.
We try to make paying for daycare as easy and rewarding as playing in our groups is for your dog. The daily rate for daycare is $40. For your convenience, daycare days can be purchased daily as you go or in a full priced package with no expiration or as a discounted package with 5 week expiration. Our friendly staff can provide you with the details and advantages of each option.
Overnight care is also available in our boarding facility.